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Another set of topping off pictures of Toro!

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--- Quote from: "OrlandoRocks" ---Thanks for the pictures Chuck !
They are awesome !  8)
--- End quote ---

No problem man. You should really thank Kristin and Angel for inviting all us back again. It was a fun time, even though it was freezing outside!

Sweet pictures, thanks for snapping them Chuck.  Nice avatar as well, where did you find that logo?  I am dying to have it.  ;)


--- Quote from: "ChuckR" ---
--- Quote from: "OrlandoRocks" ---Thanks for the pictures Chuck !
They are awesome !  8)
--- End quote ---

No problem man. You should really thank Kristin and Angel for inviting all us back again. It was a fun time, even though it was freezing outside!
--- End quote ---

Chuck, you copied me  :P  Your's scanned more clearly though.. :? Think you can share yours??? :lol:


--- Quote from: "G_Adv_123" ---Sweet pictures, thanks for snapping them Chuck.  Nice avatar as well, where did you find that logo?  I am dying to have it.  ;)
--- End quote ---

This logo is the official and final logo :) I like this one alot! He got it from me because Kristen gave me a dozen or so of these stickers for my kids lol. I knew the big kids would like them to  :wink:

Awesome pics! Thanks to all! I'll glad this thing was finally topped off :lol:

Oh, and the logo is awesome :D



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