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No El Toro for Opening Day

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I have just gotten a response back from Kristin and it is not that bad.

--- Quote ---Hi Robert,

El Toro is coming along, but it is not scheduled to open on opening
day.  We don't have a date, but it won't be that early.  It's a massive
project that will take some time.

--- End quote ---

David Jr:
Why am i not surprised :roll: .

Not at all surprised.... If this "massive project" is so massive, then why wasn't it started earlier   :roll:

I assumed that the park learned something from Kingda Ka  :x

Construction required closing the whole Hernando's Hideaway section.  As it was, closing it in September caused a lot of *I LOVE DOGGIES!*ing and moaning among guest (especially Season Pass Holders who complain about EVERYTHING like the park owes them something) over closed rides.    

Whenever the park builds a ride, they never promise it will open with the park, just "Spring".   Traditionally, very few rides have opened with the park.    As long as a ride is opened by the height of the season (Memorial Day) that's what really matters.    

The worst case scenario is that Rolling Thunder and the Plaza del Carnaval section were closed for 2 months in the Fall of 2005 and 2 months in the Spring of 2006.   Fall and Spring are not the parks peak season.   If you have to close a section of the park, those are the best times to do it.  Plus, staffing is most difficult those times, so it actually works in their favor to have a section closed.

Hmm...i was hoping they would rush it, and that they would pull this one off...guess not.


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