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Mark Kane new GM of Great Adventure

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This makes me really nervous cause I believe this is our 4th GM in a year. I don't think if we keep going at this rate GADV will make it to see the 5th one

I mean, man.  Can't they let ANYONE finish a season?!?  I didn't think that Chuck Hendrix was a permanent fixture at the park seeing as he came from Corporate, but wow.  I thought they'd at least let 'the new guy' start with a clean season.

Good Luck Mark Kane.  You'll need it.


I hate to say this, but if I worked at Six Flags as a General Manager and they wanted to transfer me to Great Adventure, I'd wonder what I had done wrong and how long they would keep me before tossing me to the wolves.

I still miss Rick, and think he was "lefted" for wanting to do the right things for the park.  I daresay I am beginning to think more and more than Messrs Shapiro and Snyder value "yes-people" more than they value doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason.

I really hope Mr. Kane can help Gadv out. They really need it.


I think Mr. Kane will luck out because he will end up in the GM position after the new chief fully understood just how bad of shape Gadv was in.  So next season, proper attention (and money) will be paid to the park.  So things should go much smoother for him.  Its just a shame it was at Rick and Ron's expense :(


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