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Mark Kane new GM of Great Adventure

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If he has anything to do with the SP prices going already, before they even went on sale, SHAME ON HIM.

The GM has zero to do with season pass prices or even the price of a cheeseburger.  If I'm not mistaken, season passes were $69.99 last year during the early bird pricing and this year they are $79.99 (still too cheap) so I don't think 10 bucks is all that out of line.

I'll fill you guys in as we get to know more about Mark but for now, we have no idea what to expect.  Perhaps the operation of the park through Fright Fest will be a good test for him.


--- Quote from: WadeJ on September 16, 2006, 09:41:12 PM ---The GM has zero to do with season pass prices or even the price of a cheeseburger.  If I'm not mistaken, season passes were $69.99 last year during the early bird pricing and this year they are $79.99 (still too cheap) so I don't think 10 bucks is all that out of line.

I'll fill you guys in as we get to know more about Mark but for now, we have no idea what to expect.  Perhaps the operation of the park through Fright Fest will be a good test for him.

--- End quote ---

Ah ok, good that I don't have a grudge against him already. :D I meant they were $74.99 earlier this week, and now they're $79.99. Doesn't make any sense since they don't go on sale for a week.

The 5 or 10 (apparently) is fine since I actually bought mine for $105 this year.


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