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Mark Kane new GM of Great Adventure

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--- Quote from: WadeJ on September 13, 2006, 11:24:50 PM ---I think Mr. Kane will luck out because he will end up in the GM position after the new chief fully understood just how bad of shape Gadv was in.  So next season, proper attention (and money) will be paid to the park.  So things should go much smoother for him.  Its just a shame it was at Rick and Ron's expense :(

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What happened to Rick and Ron?  How long were each there?

honestly, i cant even remember rick.  Ron was from last February or so until VIP night this year.

Wow they went throught a lot this year.

Rick is working, last I heard, for the owner of Wild Adventures and Cypress Gardens...the latter recently filed bankruptcy.

/\ yes, its seems the bankruptcy, while not a "good" thing was mostly the result of their insurance companies not paying up after the hurricanes.

Though sadly, I think they would have been in trouble eventually anyway.  Rick and Ron are both good guys.


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