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New rides for 2007 ?

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Found this on screamscape

2007 - New Attraction(s) - Rumor - (8/16/06) According to the rumor mill the park could add two small attractions next season. One will be a new family ride of some kind while the other could be a thrill ride from S&S. If the closing of the Freefall is a sign, perhaps the park may be planning on replacing it with a new style tower ride. Of course S&S makes a few good new style flat rides as well, so maybe they?ll go for their own giant Screamin? Swing. It?s all rumor right now... anyone know more?

I got a email from some one addressed to GAInsider saying that they know some one...yada yada yada...and that we are getting a Thrill Ride from S&S and possibly a family ride. So this was probably the same email screamscape got. We will see what the park has in store for us later this season if they announce something officially.

I've gotten simliar emails over the last 3 years.  Eventually this person will be right I guess lol

From what i heard on my last day we are getting a thrill ride or two. for those of who dont know i was released by the new management, because of the budget issues.


--- Quote from: WadeJ on August 16, 2006, 03:43:40 PM ---I've gotten simliar emails over the last 3 years.  Eventually this person will be right I guess lol

--- End quote ---
Hes gotta win sometime. :P Unless he has a really bad streak of luck.


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