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Author Topic: 8/12 TR nice day but boy was it  (Read 1410 times)

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Offline coastermom

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8/12 TR nice day but boy was it
« on: August 13, 2006, 11:54:48 AM »
Packed . Got to the park at about 11 ish to see a sign at the front that ET will not open till 12 noon. Not a good start after being away for almost three weeks but we knew going in that it was going to be packed. Into the park we go. Off to hudians house. First ride of the day and almos tnone of the "effects" are working but a ride we can all go on together non the less. About a 5 min wait but of cause there are those that just can't follow directions NO loose articals means NOTHING . it took an extra 15 min to clear all the articals people had.  >:(

Off to the GK the line for ET was out the que and around over toward the bridge. They had to ride so off they went . About a good 50 Min. wait but there were two trains running and the line did move.  ;D They got off i went on with my PP and i have to say it is the best thing they have built since Nitro . Still lovin it . Off to KK the line is out to the DD stand . Not waiting so off to GASM about 30 min wait and SB3D about a 45 min wait because again people just can't follow directions !! Superman was at least 2 plus hours and not willing to wait . We also did the log flume about 30 min or so .

heading to the other side we hear a group of older teens maybe young twenties talking about the park and complaining about the lines and ALL THE CLOSED Rides. this was a big issue with many people there yesterday.

On to the other side now. BBLTT had a huge line but my son has to ride so we waited . Again with this ride WHY almost all thetime are the last 5 rows empty?? Sometimes it is more then 5 but always the last rows in the train are closed. Then off to SM not more then a 15 min wait . Last ride of the night for us Nitro well this is a story . They get on line around 9 PM . i go to the seaport with my son. I noticed at 9:20 the que is closed. Ok but the park closes at 10 so now I notice that people are comming with flash passes and are seculed for rides and are not being allowed up? So I am wondering still what is up with this? I ddi n't get an answer but was wondering if they were going to honor the parent pass now. So hubby comes off the ride and says they are waiting for you just go up. So up I go . Now here is the craziness going on up there people are trying for re-rides almost at every return ride so they are clearing the station before letting anyone enter the ride. then as this is going on someone passes out , there is a woman screaming and yelling about not getting on before and the que being closed and everyone is staring at the passed out kid. What a mess all at 9:45 at night . I did get to ride but boy was it COLD up there last night . All in all a good day