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45th Anniversary Special

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Hey guys I just wanted everyone to know that I just saw a commercial for the  GADV Anniversary special  airing tomorrow (wednesday) at 5pm on the WB11! I saw that nobody posted anything about it so I thought I should post it for those who would be interested in(should be everyone on this board if you are a true GADV fan) watching it like myself. ;D

I might tape it, seeing as I'll just be getting off work when it starts to air.

Thanks for the heads up!   Stew????? Are you there????? :)

Did anyone tape this?  If so, would you be willing to make me a copy if I pay for the postage?  If so, email me at .  I missed it and would really love to see it.


If anybody can get me a copy (via snailmail or digitally), I'll be happy to host it off of our server for everybody :).


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