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Gadv to be featured on WB11 Morning News this Thurs and Friday!

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Orlando, were you the kid with short black hair sitting in the middle row of the 4th/5th car?

Kingda Ka- Nitro:
Hey guys I'm new here, but new to the coaster world. I've had a season pass about 7 years. Anyway maybe some of you know me from

Do you guys know where to get the white el toro shirts and res scarves they are wearing in the homepage photo. I REALLY want them so if anybody has ANY way of obtaining them it would really be a help

I'll do anything for them.

Thanks for the help and I hope i have a great experience on these boards.

they sell the white shirts at the mercado.  I cant say the same for the bandana's.  We were given them for the WB shoot as well as media day.  Im pretty sure you cant get them otherwise. sorry dude

Kingda Ka- Nitro:
/darn Anyone wanna sell theirs


--- Quote from: SilverBullet on July 22, 2006, 12:52:41 PM ---Orlando, were you the kid with short black hair sitting in the middle row of the 4th/5th car?

--- End quote ---

Yea in the beginning of the shoot I was right behind RJ in the middle. Once they added the second train I hung out in the last and second rows.


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