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Gadv to be featured on WB11 Morning News this Thurs and Friday!

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Thanks for the invite Chuck, it sucks I couldnt make it though  :'(

It looks like you guys all had a great time, and I'm praying that there's another one this year!

THANKS to all
Link to FULL SIZE pic

Now back to work-- ---------------This is what ET looks like when He first gets out of bed in the Mourning the original is awesome this is not the original

Wade was about 3 minutes to late

heh, I missed the picture...... AGAIN!

Oh well, maybe next time I'll get there on time.

lol, that was so much fun. I wish i could do that every day.

Im so wearing my gangsta bandana to work.

Definately a big thanks to Wade & Chuck for fitting me in in such short notice. And Keen and his attendants for doing such a great job dispatching us! I had a great time and hope to do it again someday.


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