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El Toro Daily Status...

<< < (14/18) > >>

I never got on it last night, the line was just too long.

i went to six flags yesterday.. SO HOT!! :o it was up and running yesterday and it wasn't a bad wait at all.. felt like 5 minutes because the line kept moving. i think we waited about.. 30 minutes. i don't think that was bad at all

I went on it twice last night in the pitch black. About 30 minute wait both time, maybe even less than that.

oh man! it must be so much fun at night!

I'm bumping this thread so that people can keep up with the status of El Toro.  It had a minor issue last Sunday that closed it the rest of the day and for some reason, there was speculation on the internet (go figure) that claimed it could be closed for a while.  This is NOT TRUE!  El Toro is running great as of this posting with 2 train operations so go out and ride it :)


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