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<< < (11/18) > >>

gr.. i hate the inconsistency of when rollercoasters are open or closed :-\


I'd prefer that they be inconsistently closed than consistently closed.  Deja Vu, anyone?  Chiller?  Volcano?

TTD or KK their respective first years?

It's just a fact of life...stuff happens.  If they can get a closed coaster up and running, more power to them.  I'd rather see that than to have it closed all day just because it didn't open with the park or shut down later in the day....

well yeah i can understand that thats how it works with new rollercoasters.
it just sucks when you go and its not open.. especially when you've been planning a trip.
i understand though ;)

Does anyone know if ET is back open?  I am going next week and if its got going to be open I'm going to change the date of my trip.

It is open again on a fairly consistant basis.  I'd check here the day before or the actual day you go.  If something is up, we tend to find out really quickly ;)


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