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El Toro Daily Status...

<< < (2/18) > >>

Oh god. The park CAN NOT catch a break.

I just feel bad now. Hopefully this isn't serious.

LOL  true

Although at this point, it doesn't appear to be anything horrible like we have seen with Kingda Ka.  We have no idea right now - the ride could be open as soon as tomorrow.  I just wanted our readers to be aware so they know before heading to the park ;)

And thanks to Chuck for the first heads-up on this situation :)

Has this been a whole day thing?

Or was this a spur of the moment, bad bad thing?

lucky I didn't go today I hope it's back up this week.
I want to use my 3 exit passes before they expire.

 WHen it was running are they just using 2 ride ops to check the seats.
If so they need 4 ride ops with such a long train  it's double Kingda Ka's

Bubba Z:
^ No they had 4 people in the station doing a fantastic job!! I guess it doesn't matter how many people they have now if they can't send a train!  Could it be the second train that's causing the problems, since it ran flawless with one?


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