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El Toro Daily Status...

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David Jr:
I rode Toro today so i don't know what your talking about.


--- Quote from: David Jr on July 06, 2006, 08:01:28 PM ---I rode Toro today so i don't know what your talking about.

--- End quote ---

Don't you mean:  "I rode Toro today, so it appears you may not know what you are talking about"???

i've been asking people about el toro and reading the forum.. from what i've found out, the lline can vary from 15 minutes to 2 hours. XD what do you guys think i can expect in about 2 weeks? i wanna go so bad, its killing me.

It all depends on the day, the weather, the other people who decide to go, maintenance practices we are not privvy to, etc.

Also known as you pays your money and you takes your chances.  NO ONE can predict the park's attendance or crowds in advance.  Now we know that all other things being equal, weekends are usually more crowded....

El Toro was open for a short period of time today.  When Chuck posted that, it was down for the rest of the night.


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