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El Toro Daily Status...

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I was there today, just got back. El Toro was running great. The queue was nearly full and got to the station in about an hour. Another half hour wait for the front though.

I must say, when the crew is quick this queue flies. But unfortunately they spend so much time trying to fit the larger guests on the train that it really slows things down. I mean I saw a few instances where they spent at least 5 minutes just trying to get ONE persons restraints closed. While I think this is nice, and I feel for the larger guests, you can't hold up the ride that long.

But there was a handful of times where the train was out of the station so quick that the train coming in the brakes never stopped at all until it was in the station.

EDIT - Forgot to mention, crowds were pretty light/average. The wait for Nitro was only at the stairs so it's about a 5-10 minute wait. Kingda Ka is closed all day.

Thanks for the update!  This is very good news.

And welcome to udpates ;)

lightning is very mysterious.  A friend of mine told me her house got struck, but only the appliances on the downstairs circuit breaker were affected.  Only certain rooms were affected, weird stuff.  Id imagine a surge of power going through the rod and into whatever harnesses the original bolt would do some damage to a computer system. 

what i want to know is, why havent they come up with something better already?

Why not?  Because if they could have, they would have!  Not all problems can be solved; but many that can remain to be solved.

Remember that story about the head of the patent office in the 18oo's who said they may as well close down the patent office because every useful invention had already been invented?

Now, look at El Toro and Kingda Ka.  Imagine what SFGAd may look like 50 years from now.  I, for one, have no idea.

El Toro is closed today...


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