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El Toro Daily Status...

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Not necessarily, sometimes trees that are hit just split right down the center without fire/smoke.

I'm sure there are Lightning rods on Toro as with all other tall rides in the park.
I myself haven't seen them but that doesn't mean they aren't there. I wasn't looking for any either

THere are two ways Lightning rods are used either one or a few tall rods or many many small rods I would think Toro would have many small rods as the taller rods would be much more visible.
cool link below all about lightning with many photos and animation.

Thanks for that GREAT lightning link!

FYI - Toro did eventually open late last night.  I'm presuming it therefore ran today as well :)

As for the lightning rods, yes, they all have them - with exception of Ka, I believe they have multiple smaller ones.  The problem is with the computers and sensors.  Apparantly, it wreaks havoc on those systems.  So even though the rod save the structure itself, many other things can be damages.

Kudos to Great Adventure for working ALL DAY on it and still opening it even though the park was closing in just a few hours!

Hopefully somebody that braved the park today can let us know its status.

-Wade (who is getting ready to shut down the pc for another storm lol)

I'll be there tonight, I will update you guys in the Mobile forums.


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