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El Toro Daily Status...

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Bubba Z:

--- Quote from: coastersue on June 28, 2006, 09:08:56 PM ---When are the season pass exit passes good until?  I'm not sure where mine is at the moment.  Do you just go up the exit with it?  Is there a certain row that they put you in?


--- End quote ---

1. June 30th
2. Coastermom is correct,  When walking towards the station stay left and use the Wheelchair access ramp next to  Rolling Thunder's first drop.(Viper's old exit ramp). 

3. Since they only send a certain number of people into the station, I was able to pick any row I wanted. We picked the  back row however , because the ramp leads you right there and it's one of the best seats on the train.

I just want to update the status of El Toro after getting 4 rides in an hour last night. The crew for that ride is one of the best I have ever seen. They had 2 trains running and there was a 10 minute wait for it and at some points no wait at all. No stacking, the ops were drenched in sweat from running up and down the platform. I just wanted to give a huge thanks and I noticed to the ops at the ride. Amazing.

Dont be afraid to go to guest relations to give them the credit they deserve!  The main op is of course our own Keenan, for those who dont know him.  I know Diana especially would love it if you all went to guest relations and gave the crew compliments!

Rumor has it that Toro along with several other coasters were hit by lightning on Sunday night.  Unfortunately, Toro didn't open today.  I'm not sure what its status is or the other coasters (if any) that were affected.

Anybody there tonight?

Hey wade  the same rumor started last weekend also. We were in the park and the power went out there was a really nasty thunder and lighting storm and the same rumor was floating around about toro wonder how true it is ?? And if it really was struck twice??  :D

Well if anyone was there and is around to tell if it is open or will open this week let us know.

BTW one more thing if it is WOOD and lighting hit it wouldn't there be some sort of smoke or small fire ? Anything ? just wondering ::)


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