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El Toro Daily Status...

<< < (4/18) > >>

^ No it's not, that means everybody fell out! :P ;D

Waiting for 100% confirmation but I hear it might be open again with 2 trains running ;)

Last Friday I went to the park super early and got right on El Toro (waited 15 minutes) and it was awesome!  I did see the second train on the track, but not in use.  Then I headed to Kingda Ka and waited over an hour to get on it - it was my first time!  Amazing!  Then did a bunch of other rides before a big thunder and lighting storm came and shut everyhting down for a half hour.  The park cleared out a lot after that, as school groups left for the day.  Went back and did Kingda Ka again (this time the wait was under an hour), then El Toro ended the night.  :-)  So I hope they've added the second train - that will speed up all the lines a little bit, though the employees are still quite slow in loading and unloading.  They'll get the hang of it soon.

2nd train has been running since this past weekend ;)  The issue here was with the entire ride being closed yesterday.  We hear it is back operating again now though.

does anyone know if it is operating with two trains or one ? That is after it was closed on Monday . Looking to try to visit after a day at HH either Thursday or Friday .


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