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Two Trains on El Toro

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Just an FYI - I was at the park all day Friday and El Toro had both trains running in the evening.  For our first ride around 11am, still only one train was running but later when we returned for our second ride in the evening after the thunderstorms, both trains were running and very efficiently.  I'll have a trip report sometime later.


They really had it down tiwh the two trains too.  I was suprised and impressed with the rather timely dispatches.

Robert T Ackerman:
This is excellent news. How have the lines been since then? I'm heading up there on Monday and Wendesday depending on weather, and I'm sure 2 trains running will keep the line down to a minimum.

Indeed, great news, and sooner then I expected.

Great to hear that their act is together! This is good for everybody and will make a visit at the park more enjoyable, Good Job Great Adventure!  :)


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