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Media Day!

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That was an awesome day. I would like to thank Wade so much for doing all of this on such short notice. I can only imagine how hard it was to get everyone there in just a few days. It turned out amazingly well for the little amount of time given. Diana is always in my thanks, without her I would be nowhere and doing nothing like this. Kristin, Angel, and all of PR are also amazing as always and a huge thanks to them and the park for allowing us the opportunity to ride The Bull. OL?!


Methinks I see myself in the new video... :D

^Is that you in the teal shirt? :P You lucky dog you. I like the interview they did with Diana. Good stuff. It makes me want to have my own child just to drag him on El Toro.

Yessir!  I'm like the voice of El Toro, lol.  I should be slightly embarassed with how much I was screaming (That's me you hear in the foward POV, as well as the reverse POV), but I'm not.  It was that good!


--- Quote from: rjholla2003 on June 15, 2006, 12:03:34 AM ---Yessir!  I'm like the voice of El Toro, lol.  I should be slightly embarassed with how much I was screaming (That's me you hear in the foward POV, as well as the reverse POV), but I'm not.  It was that good!

--- End quote ---

I was literally on the floor laughing when I heard that was you. "Woah, that's a lot of airtime!" ;) Funny to hear grown men who are very intelligent to scream like that on a roller coaster!


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