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Media Day!

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^I saw them interviewing the kid towards the end while waiting in line. Does anyone know who that kid was?

Not sure He was there with his mom (she didn't ride).
But I think i seen him before with ACE ?
I was talking with him alot but I forgot to ask where he's from etc.
He was very exicited and energetic .

And one more thanks to Wade,Diana,Dana,and of course Kristin and Angel .Give those girls a raise, 2 world record coasters in 2 years kept them very busy, Six FLags are very Lucky to have such great people representing the company.  ;D  Ole' Ole'


--- Quote from: darkridedan on June 13, 2006, 06:39:34 PM ---Hey guys,

     Thank you for the invite. I took a few pictures on opening day of Wade, Nate, Diana, Austin, Rob, Chuck, Stew, RJ and a few others. I hope you enjoy.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for coming Dan! Great pics, thanks for sharing those! :)

Thank you Phil. Nobody beats your angles.  :)

PCMAN, I took these pictures right after lunch. Some people need to digest their food. Not us.  :P

Diana, my pleasure.  ;)

Dan, awesome pictures.  I feel so fortunate that so many people took such great pictures because I didn't take any!

I hardly got to talk to ya so hopefully we'll get to hang out again soon.



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