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Media Day!

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Bubba Z:
^Thanks Stew,  Foxy 5 had the best clip,  even if I did see myself on the CN8 version. 

Thanks Stew! Thanks again for joining us :)

I would just like to say, THANKS WADE! I don't think any of us really realize what Wade went through to help organize everything. He did an awesome job and I am greatful to him because he had ALOT handedd to him and,  a very short amount of time to execute it. I would also like to Thank everyone who attended. It was also short notice for alot of you but, things worked out very well and, EVERYONE did an awesome job helping the park Hype El Torro. It's been an incredible off and, ON season for us so far and, we hope for our affiliates ( some members and mods To!) to.The Biggest thanks of course to The Divas in PR, The construction managers Rich and, Al for taking some time to meet with us during tours to answer our questions, the workers who helped build ET and, even though I didn't get to meet him, Ron Sevart! Oh, and let us NOT forget Keenan! Keenan, YOU ROCK! Now go out to visit him and, enjoy the masterpiece in PDC as much as possible! :)

This is a good shot of Ya Stew! Thanks for riding with Aus.

My Pics from B-Roll are now uploaded...


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