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Media Day!

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Awww, that must've been fun. Free El Toro t-shirts!

Who was that in the front row? "Oh woah! This has alot of airtime!" ROFL.

Every single row has airtime, even stapled. Its amazing!

Media was so much fun and I finally got to meet everyone. It was so exciting. Sorry we missed you SilverBullet

There are no bad rows on this ride!!!
To bad we didn't get the big group picture... Thanks again to Wade, Di, and everyone who made this an awesome event.

^Yeah, believe me at 11 I was going nuts. I begged and pleaded to go, but my mom wasn't having it. One year older and I would've just skipped.

THanks to all for a great day , Great weather
And yes every seat on this ride is good.
I prefer the last row of each car (the elevated seats)
they seem to have more pop.
Now back to work

Silver I love that pic what camera did you use ?
Finpix e550  ?


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