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Six Flags, 77WABC and ESPN Launch eBay Charity Auction for CMN

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This event was AMAZING!!!  I thought I died and went to Roller Coaster Heaven!!

First off...Only about 20 people bought tickets on eBay for this event.  So on monday I received and eMail stating that the event had changed due to lack of interest.  Instead of 3 hours it was switching to 1 1/2 hours with El Toro starting a 8:30 AM.  But to make up for it we all received a VIP Exit pass for the rest of the day!    ;D

So I arrived a little early at 7:45 AM and they said Kingda Ka was already open if I wanted to ride it.  Nothing like riding Kindga Ka 5 times in a row front seat with on other person on the train.  Can we say overlaunch!  Just so much airtime over the top.  The most amazing rides I have ever gotten.   I also finally realized that there is a fog/mist generator at the end of the launch track.  I always wondered why it got cold before you went skyward.

At 8:20 I head over to El Toro...It opened at around 8:30 and there weren't even enough people to fill the train.  Tried all the different spots front, back (which I personally like the best).  The very front row is also a treat.

9:30 I headed back over to Kingda Ka and stayed of it front row until the park opened to the public.  I'd have to say it was priceless to be the ONLY person on the train when the crowd from the "Running of the bulls" came into the Golden Kingdom and I was still on the ride.  One more lanch and the Public was in line and I was done (At least for my solo mission).

The rest of the day was spent using the VIP Exit pass through out the park.  I honestly lost count of my rides on El Toro and Kingda Ka.

This was a Once in a lifetime experience...
Great Adventure did a wonderful job with this event they could have easily canceled it, but instead they made it 100% better.


Glad you had fun! I am really jealous...

What an amazing event.   I had several rides on Kingda Ka alone in the front row with not one other person on the train.  I rode El Toro 34 times yesterday thanks to the ert and the vip pass that was given to us.

I can't believe not more people took advantage of this event.  They opened Kingda Ka around 730 am and El Toro around 830 am. It was a dream come true riding these rides when the park was closed.  Who would have ever thought you could go on Kingda KA five times in a row in the first car wiht not one other person on the train.

A special thank you to Six Flags management for being so generous.  Not only did they open the park early but they gave up a VIP pass valid all day.  What a generous contribution for a good cause.  Words can not tell you how much I appreciated the VIP pass.

I forgot all about it
Did you get the $100 ticket  ?
That was a good deal with all the rides you got
Id say a few years worth
Beats getting a Flashpass.
I hope they have more events like this

You were not the only one who forgot about the eBay auction!
They were shooting for 500 peple and barely got 30.
$100 got you in. 
Only 2 of the bigger packages went for the asking $500 price.
Nobody even bid on the ESPN packages.


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