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Author Topic: What do you want for 2007?  (Read 22658 times)

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Offline NYRfan85

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What do you want for 2007?
« Reply #50 on: December 31, 2005, 01:51:26 AM »
One word for what I want in '07:


The lack of flats due to Six Flags stealing them away from us over the past few years is really bad, there's hardly any thrilling flat rides left. Oh how I miss JJF, Pendulum, Time Warp, G-Force... :(
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Offline WadeJ

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What do you want for 2007?
« Reply #51 on: December 31, 2005, 09:47:33 AM »
Quote from: "sfgadvfreak"
or that rumored Verticle Drop Coaster :lol:  (some of you might remember that little dicussion in a chat room a while back  *cough nick, diana, old central people *cough*)

I'll back her up (since I was there LOL) that this was in fact a HUGE possibility and did in fact almost happen ;)

If I recall, we got Superman instead :(  I guess there is always a chance this could happen though.  Especially with Sheikra being such a hit.

Offline blazzinmatt

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What do you want for 2007?
« Reply #52 on: December 31, 2005, 10:37:33 AM »
A vertical drop coaster would be a hit in the park considering many people of the GP have not seen something like this and would be so amazed and anxious to ride it. I think that would be a really good addition to the park, but also flats would be nice. We keep losing more flats year after year I am sure that we might get one next year. A drop tower would be optimal, but hey anything fun is good.

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What do you want for 2007?
« Reply #53 on: December 31, 2005, 11:43:09 AM »
With the hotel coming in 07, I wouldn't care if we didn't get any new rides. Maybe another retheme like in Movietown or another section in the park.

Offline blazzinmatt

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What do you want for 2007?
« Reply #54 on: December 31, 2005, 12:59:14 PM »
Do you think that the hotel will have a theme to it, like the Disney resorts or it will just be a plain hotel like a regular Holiday Inn or something?

Offline innervision

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What do you want for 2007?
« Reply #55 on: December 31, 2005, 01:02:39 PM »
2007 Hotel Information
Comments (0) -- Posted by innervision at 10:04 PM
First information from the Jackson Planning Board meeting about the now approved plan for the 2007 hotel at Great Adventure. Construction will take approximately 24 months.

The hotel planned will be a 6 story 500 room, full-service hotel built specifically for Great Adventure guests with a dedicated 774 space parking lot directly in front of the hotel. The hotel will be located in the currently blocked off portion of the lot in front of Kingda Ka. To enter the lot there will be a left turnoff before the parking ticket booths for private access to the hotel. An exit from hotel parking will lead back into the main exit road.

It was mentioned that the loading dock will be 125ft from Kingda Ka, so that should be the approximate distance for the entire hotel.

The part of the lot currently with the construction fence around it will be a raised berm that will landscaped so that it would be difficult for pedestrians to cross over into the lot of the hotel.

When entering the conference room will be on the second floor, the main lobby and restaurants on the first. It was mentioned that the back of the hotel will be glass so you can see three coasters from inside the hotel. Also, they are doing everything possible to have basically every room have a window facing the park.

Access to the hotel will be limited to those staying at it. It will have 2 restaurants and retail space along with an arcade, conference room, and gift shop. The restaurant and shops will be limited to be used only by hotel guests. Regular citizens of the township will not be able to access the hotel to say, eat dinner at a restaurant. Neither will regular park guests.

The guests will have their own entrance and exit to the park that will only be used by hotel guests, while there was no mention of early entrance to the park it was said that there would be many packages available to those who wanted to stay at the hotel and visit all three of the parks.

The hotel will only be open seasonally with the park at this point in time, but they reserve the right to open it year round. They also reserve the right to extend the park season if it proves appropriate. The hotel may be used for other functions during the off-season to balance things out.

As for the type of hotel it will be styled after an Adirondack lodge and is styled after Disney hotels. It is meant to make you think it has been there for a very long time and will have weathered wood trim as well as a themed outdoor pool right next to Kingda Ka.
In fact the design team had done a walkthrough of Disney resorts with Six Flags executives.

The hotel will be owned and operated by Six Flags. It will be designed by the K10 Construction Group, who designed the Golden Kingdom.

There were small concerns that will be addressed later on, but the hotel is definitely a go. Many of the board members said that it was long overdue, it?s eloquent, beautiful design, and they wish the park the best. It was also mentioned that when the park was voted on to be built in 1973 there were 3 public members of the audience. Tonight, with a new phase in the park and a new point in Jackson Township?s life voted on, there were 5.

The pictures were a little difficult to see but from what we could see the hotel will look amazing. After what the crew did with the Golden Kingdom, we look forward to what they can do with the hotel.

Also of note is that there will be another hotel going up in Jackson township soon, but it was mentioned it will not be on the scale of this one.

From the Insider news archives

Offline sfgadvfreak

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What do you want for 2007?
« Reply #56 on: December 31, 2005, 04:04:08 PM »

As for the type of hotel it will be styled after an Adirondack lodge and is styled after Disney hotels. It is meant to make you think it has been there for a very long time and will have weathered wood trim as well as a themed outdoor pool right next to Kingda Ka.
In fact the design team had done a walkthrough of Disney resorts with Six Flags executives.

Just to narrow down the reading a little bit.
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Offline chilled182

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What do you want for 2007?
« Reply #57 on: December 31, 2005, 06:13:27 PM »
ohhh i have my faith that they will do a good job with this hotel.

also.. that vert drop coaster was real i sware!

however a rumor you may all not be familiar with, is that before september 11th, it was said that we may get an impulse, since Sf was loking for a showcase ride for the end of the boardwalk, where SUF is now.

you know the rest.. thing happened.. we got SUF a few years later.

Ill be thankful if we get a few awesome new rides to fill in the holes.
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What do you want for 2007?
« Reply #58 on: December 31, 2005, 08:21:08 PM »
As Nick said, I have heard rumors that the Impusle was really really close to happening and might still be a possibility today.  I think I have an idea of how far the park went into it, but I'm not certain so I will not say anything.
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Offline blazzinmatt

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What do you want for 2007?
« Reply #59 on: December 31, 2005, 08:48:51 PM »
That sounds great. I can't wait to see the construction of the hotel, not the outside, but maybe we can get in the inside as they start to put stuff into it. It should be really awesome and I am sure that we will get a few good rides for 2007.

BTW that hotel idea sounds great. I think that because it is well themed and placed next to a record breaker will draw more people in. It should be quite amazing walking through it if it is the way I picture it to be.