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El Toro Updates Here! Photos added 5/31

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 That is so amazing. I am so ready to run that first day to the line and wait!


GAInsider just posted their video!

It's Just Amazing getting to see it again and again! It was tough to get an overall view as we were running over to the twister section!

All we need now is a opening date to cap off this great day, but I'm sure that won't come for a little while longer.

Wow what a great way to top off the weekend . We haven't been to the park in a few weeks we have been very busy here but can't wait till 6/3 to visit and either hopefully see it test or actually get a ride in but that may be very wishful thinking . :)

Not only will we remember the Vetrans from wars, we will remember when Toro finally started testing!

Great picture to all, Now excuse me while I clean up my puddle of drool


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