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El Toro Updates Here! Photos added 5/31

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Great photos, indeed.

And what's really needed in that area--as I see it--is me in it! :)

I thought RT had to be closed while they are testing ET? ???

Nice pictures by the way. ;D

I thought so too. But while I was going up RT's lift the train went down the drop and it flew the twister section while I was on it.

RT ran all night yesterday while Toro was testing...

I finally got to enter PDC two days ago and while I thought it was good, it showed me how much the Golden Kingdom spoiled us.  I did not get the "Wow, this is NOT Great Adventure!" feeling when walking into Plaza del Carnaval.  The area was quite dead, but everything was closed so what can you expect!  I had a bit of anticipointment due to the lack of that great feeling I had last year, but I was all better once I turned around. As I was leaving, I felt like I was walking back into Great Adventure.  The Golden Kingdom has more of a mystical feel to it, but once PDC gets into full swing, it will have it's own flavor that will take you to a new place.  I can't wait to see that day.

Here is the video that I took last night. It is very similiar to the one GAInsider took, but here it is.;dl=item12


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