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El Toro Updates Here! Photos added 5/31

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Yes! Great pics Chuck. You're so lucky you saw the twister section! I'm extremely jealous!

The headchopper on RT is good. I thought it would be better but I can't wait to see Toro going with RT racing, that would be a sight!

Amazing pics Chuck! Nice to see that El Toro is now testing consistently.

Toro tested while we were there on 6/3 later in the afternoon i would say around 5:30 or 6:00 . There were two people on the lift hill watching the train go up very ,very slowley . i was wondering if the lift hill is giving them a problem it seemed very slow and if anyone has been to CP and seen MF go up that type of lift hill it is pretty fast as to me yesterday ET looked at a point where it was moving to be going very slow. This is ONLY what i am thinking I can be totally off but just by looking at what i say this is what I am thinking. Also ET not really noisey as I expected it to be for some reason or maybe it is because we were by the lake when it tested. Good to see it run though and can't wait for it to open .

/\  no worries :)  They are just being cautious to make sure everything is lined up correctly to prevent any damage.  There is a lot that goes on to enage and disengage the train.  At this point, I'm not aware of any issues with the ride ;)

edit:  Sorry Chuck!  I almost forgot to say NICE PHOTOS!  lol.  That entire area will feel back to life with RT racing, El Toro open and the bridge back open!


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