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El Toro Updates Here! Photos added 5/31

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That was awesome guys!  Thanks  :afro:

I just came back from the park and El Toro constinenly tested from 7:30pm till when the park closed, which is awesome. I got pictures and video which I am uploading as we speak. The second train is on the transfer track wrapped in plastic.

Any other questions just ask?
Posted on: June 03, 2006, 10:53:54 pmHeres the pictures, sorry about the quality it was cloudy and my camera sucks when its cloudy out. Anyways...

Oh yeah, I got on Rolling Thunder about 3 times while El Toro was flying through its Twister section, oh man.

Awesome Pics Chuck! So were they running the lift full speed? If so, how fast does it look? (Is there video?!)

Chuck, it's your world....I'm just living in it!

Great pics man, opening is coming closer and closer!

They were running the lift until it reached the top, then it stopped for about 20 seconds. This thing had to be going at least 10-15 mph. The video will be up tomorrow morning.


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