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El Toro Updates Here! Photos added 5/31

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Good stuff! I posted a link over here from GAI so people have to come here to see the photos, mwhah ;)

If I knew it was going to test today I would of stayed in the park longer !  >:(
Any word if Chiller Robin Re-opened anytime today ?

I saw it test last night twice. The thing makes the same noise as the Collossos does when it goes over its hill(if you don't know what I am talking about go to ThemeParkReview and download that video of it). The thing flies through its course and I saw it go through the twister section from Ka's exit ramp, AWESOME!


Toro is already flying! Considering that it is going to get faster and faster as time goes on, I'm getting ready for some major ejector air  8)

Here is a High Res Video 27mb  of ET testing from

WIth my updated 8mp down comast connection it took me only 8 seconds to download the 27mb file  awesome only $10 more a month they are trying to compete with FIOS.

I like the Afro below  :afro:


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