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El Toro Updates Here! Photos added 5/31

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Wow! Looks great! It's awesome to see it running again!

I was there this evening and saw El Toro do it's thing at about 6:30 PM. 
Very very slow up the lift and the stopped at the top for a while while workers checked things out.
It sounds like they are starting to run it a little more frequently!!

Edit:  Opps...My wife just told me it was closer to 7:00 PM when we were there.  So it probably only ran twice on the 31st,  no 6:30 run.   Sorry, My brain was still a little shaken from Kingda Ka.   And when you are in the park who really cares what time it is.  ;)

Yes, I agree.  You saw it around 6:30 and then these pictures were taken a little after 7 and then Chuck was in line for Ka (go figure) after park closing around 8:10 and saw it again so this would seem to be good news!

thanks wade my computer wasnt letting me place the photos in my post.......

So that's 3 test runs today ?
The song of the day is Aerosmith's
 "Train keep a rolling all night long "
what will we do next year  ?  that's two yeas in a row of excitement


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