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Plaza del Carnaval, RT and Tango are OPEN!

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Nothing going on KK is running smooth but PDC is not open yet. Good day at the park though.

yea i went today also but it was crowded so me, my sis and her roomate got qbot and got on all the rides except superman it was a 2 hr wait even on qbot??? and why are they show tango as a new main attraction, it is like a kiddie ride?? it just goes up and spins slowly right? yea anyway, i also herd that loud sound later after the thunderstory too and i think it was runnaway train cause it broke down or maby not but deff.... by medusa! so it mabe ET :)

I am completely sure that it was not Runaway Train's horn that I heard, especially since that actually did blow later after I heard this horn.  The only horns I don't know are GASM, Chiller, Batman, and Skull Mountain, and so I'm fairly sure that it was El Toro.

A q-bot simply has you wait the same time as the line, unless its Gold, and so unless it was Gold a 2 hour wait for Superman makes sense(it certainly isn't good, but the park was very crowded). 

When the park is trying to become a better place for families it would make sense to heavily advertise a family (or "kiddie") ride rather than just go for El Toro.  Add in the fact that El Toro won't be ready for this weekend and there's a choice of advertising simply a new section opening with an old roller coaster or drawing attention to the fact that there is a new ride opening, and they'll pick to advertise the new ride as well. It may not mean much to you, but it still is a new ride that they will attempt to capitalize on as much as possible.

Tango is what I would consider a top-notch family ride as opposed to the smaller more carnival-like kiddie rides they added to BBNP (with exception of the balloons).  This is also a new style ride that will accomadate the entire family without getting them sick.  So yes, it is a major addition that will thrill and fill that niche.

It is possible that Toro was actually testing the cable lift.  Similar to Ka when they test the catch car, the horn must sound so maybe we will see some actual testing today!

yea i do guess it is a way for familys to have fun... but is it big? because i saw pictures of it and it looks like it could only hold 4 to a row, which if it is a main new ride it is going to have a long line.... correct? im just unsure with this whole tango thing.... but dont get me wrong if it is going to draw crouds let it draw them.


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