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Plaza del Carnaval, RT and Tango are OPEN!

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Thats odd - the gates and bridge were open earlier this week.  I guess it depends on what they are working on at the time.  Or somebody accidently left them open LOL.

We have yet to hit tango but I'm sure both of my kids will LOVE it.  Esp. since all 4 of us can actually ride it together :).

The gate and the bridge was closed yesterday and I already got two rides on Tango, since they were the only thing open in the area the other day.

on Wed. the gate under ET was open and I took a few shots
I didn't walk to the bridge as I seen workers on the lift hill and didn't want to bother

Well, with the frequency that El Toro has been testing recently, I think that the bridge, as well as El Toro, will be open very soon. 8)


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