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Author Topic: Photo Update: 5/23  (Read 1645 times)

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Offline ChuckR

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Photo Update: 5/23
« on: May 24, 2006, 04:30:34 PM »
Went to the park yesterday and met up with George, his gf, and Jerry. While pulling into the lot I notice Kingda Ka testing.

We hung out for a bit and rode Medusa and Scream Machine. After that they left and while waiting for Rob to get to the park I checked out Toro and the new Plaza Del Carnival section.

There was a crane near the transfer track on Toro as seen below.

It also looks like they were working on where the paths goes underneath El Toro.

There are still pieces of the train still sitting in the parking lot but it is on a truck.

(Sorry about quality of that picture)

Besides that, no testing happened which hopefully starts soon.

Now what I have hear is EXCLUSIVE pictures.

Yes, Tango was testing and it is also sporting a nice new sign.

Check out those plants being put into place by the sign. They had alot of flowers and plants being ready to be put in which is awesome.

I have more, Flying Wave is being put back together nicely and should be opening soon.

Spinmeister hasn't been touched in a while and still is in pieces.

It also looks like they were preparing for the Extreme Weekend Warrior show that is starting up this weekend.

It was a dead night though and I got 4 rides on Nitro, 4 rides on B:TR, got my kiddie coaster credit, 1 Medusa ride and a ride on GASM. I also saw RJ there which was nice to talk to him for a bit.

Any questions just ask?
« Last Edit: May 24, 2006, 04:35:11 PM by ChuckR »