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December 8th Construction Update Posted

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Way more.
Fealt that I needed to add to that.  More pictures taken for sure, but depending on how much there is to see there may not be a lot more than that.  I'd still count on more though.

Awesome! Now i cant wait. guys wanna drag me along? :D

Yes, expect ALOT of pictures taken.

Update - Weather permitting, we are hoping to post the update sometime towards the end of next week (Thursday or Friday).

You should be seeing some great stuff from one of our affiliates as well :)

And YES, expect a pointless, large number of photos.  More than we would ever really need (but why not?).  We are getting video as well if there is anything worth filming ;)

Hmm, so if I fill up my memory cards thats like, 800 pictures, maybe i should go get some more.  :P


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