OK, I should be in bed, but I was typing my trip report for Spring Fling at SFOG and some things came to mind that I just had to type up.
Spring Fling this year drew more then 300 people. A lot of this is due to Goliath opening, but even in years past, they usually draw 150. Why is it Coaster Celebration has trouble drawing 100? We have a great collection of coasters, one of the best anywhere, so we should be packing them in for this event, right? Well, I have a few low cost ideas that may help the park do just that.
Increased ERT - instead of two hours ERT, the park should consider having four hours. It looks a lot more appealing to the park to have this much ride time. To do this, instead of having ERT on just about every coaster in a certain section of the park, have ERT on just the most popular rides, like KK and ET in the morning, and Nitro, B:TR and Chiller at night. Lets face it no one really cares about ERT on rides like SM or RT (OK, I know Rich and Sue will sit on RT), so why waste the man power to run them. Instead of having ERT on these rides, why not give out exit passes for each of them, and then throughout the day folks can get a ride on them when they want.
Better Goodies - How about giving everyone a T-shirt at the beginning of the day. Even if it is the standard Six Flags 45th Anniversary shirt, lots of folks will wear them, and free advertising, even in the park, is always a good thing. Also at lunch, how about a raffle for walk back photo tours of Nitro or El Toro. Make them very limited, give the money to a good cause. This would be very appealing to folks, and would cost the park nothing. Other goodies could include DVD videos, key chains, and coupons for free or reduced Flash Passes.
Less complicated sign-up - I think this is a sticking point for folks. Why is it that CC is the only event, anywhere, that FedEx's event materials just before the event? Why not save the money and hassle and just have people pick up the materials as they come in? I am sure the park could come up with plenty of volunteers that could help put together and pass out materials in the morning (I would be happy to help). Believe it or not, there are people that actually hesitate because of the $6 "Processing Fee," so why not get rid of it and get rid of that hassle. It would also end the hassle of folks wondering where in the mail these materials might be, and having to sign for them (a problem I had last year).
Well, these are a few of my thoughts, so what does anyone else think? Remember, I am thinking of things that would cost the park little to nothing to do, and would add to the event as a whole.