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If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures)
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Topic: If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures) (Read 6110 times)
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Kingda Ka
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If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures)
November 14, 2005, 05:54:30 PM »
Here I go again. I was doing a little bit of thinking about my class project and wondered what everyone else would do.
It's [insert year here] and Frontier Adventures is a shadow of it's former self as there is only one side of it's wishbone shaped area left under that name. What would you do with it to bring some excitement back to the area?
For my construction project in Facilities Design and Maintenance in Tourism/Hospitality I decided to re-theme that part of Frontier Adventures.
New name- Myth Land: Where myths are reality
Re-themed attractions and shops:
Log Flume= Roman Aquaducts
Runaway Mine Train= Mount Olympus Express
Super Teepee= Mount Olympus
Constoga Wagon= Trojan Horse
Medusa= Medusa with Greek theming
Best of the West= Undecided
Northern Star Arena= The Colleseum
New sub-section: New Jersey Myths. This section is placed next to The Colleseum and going back into the woods
This section would pretty much be like a page out of Wierd NJ. The back portion would be focused mainly on colonial period myths with the most infamous of myths being the star of the show. I give you...
This wooden Gravity Group coaster will be a massive twister that's around The Voyage's height, but a bit shorter. It would round out the wooden collection in a wierd but nice way as we have Rolling Thunder as the out-and -back, El Toro as the "best of both worlds", and The Jersey Devil as the twister. The unique thing about this twister is that it will not just race through it's structure, but it will be open enough that it races through the pine trees as well. There will be two 90* banked turns, one of them being low over the water. It will be a beast among beast. It will have elaborate theming including rusting metal strewn about used as queue scenery, "dilapidated shacks", explainatory signs and placards along the queue a la Superman (but no where as cheap looking) and actors warning you about the Jersey Devil before you queue for the coaster.
Yes, I am a dreamer.
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Would you just look at it?
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Kingda Ka
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RIP Chiller...
If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures)
Reply #1 on:
November 14, 2005, 06:30:04 PM »
I like the Colloseum idea and the Jersey Devil woodie sounds awesome.
Monkey Around
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If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures)
Reply #2 on:
November 14, 2005, 10:26:50 PM »
Wow I realy like ur ideas..
Bubba Z
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If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures)
Reply #3 on:
November 15, 2005, 07:47:02 PM »
If you got IOA to help design it, I'm all for it. If not it could just turn into Mt. Olympus Theme Park 2. Which wouldn't be a bad thing either. So with that said, proceed with the dreaming RJ.
Koala Canyon
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If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures)
Reply #4 on:
November 19, 2005, 10:31:07 AM »
ALong with your Colleseum idea, I would love to actually have chariot races inside of it.
Green Lantern
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If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures)
Reply #5 on:
November 22, 2005, 04:48:10 PM »
First off, you seriously give this stuff some thought. Thats awesome.
As for what I would do to spruce up the area, I think they need a decent flat back there.
The area behind the wagon and next to BOTW used to have a shooting gallery. It has since been shuttered.
That piece of land would be awesome for a MAJOR drop ride. It would definately boost attendance in that area of the park as well as get people off of the main through-way.
As a bonus, the 3 seconds you are up there would allow for some awesome scenery.
edit: RJ- I'll leave the theme up to you LOL
Kingda Ka
Posts: 2,624
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Ehh, What's Up Doc!
If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures)
Reply #6 on:
November 22, 2005, 04:51:56 PM »
Thanks for the compliment. This new major has taken me to a new place in regards to how I look at amusement parks.
Peep the concept, you've got progress, you've got congress
We protest in hopes they confess, just proceed on your conquest
I ain't got no gavel, I ain't finna fight nobody battle
I just wanna be free, I ain't finna be nobody's chattel
Posts: 759
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If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures)
Reply #7 on:
November 24, 2005, 06:27:05 PM »
the western atmosphere would sadly be missed in my opinion if were ever to alter it. I think what it needs is a rampant woodie through the woods near the north star arena. I also feel that they need to either, demolish, or repair north star. Its obviously behind the times, but it does being revenue when we have a good preformer coming in.
It's an East Coast Thing!
Would you just look at it?
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Kingda Ka
Posts: 2,507
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RIP Chiller...
If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures)
Reply #8 on:
November 24, 2005, 10:40:40 PM »
They really should have a show in there, there is a lot of possible stuff that can be put in the Northern Star Arena.
Monkey Around
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If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures)
Reply #9 on:
November 25, 2005, 11:07:01 PM »
Good ideas RJ. I like them. It would take a little getting used to, but I like the change overall. I think a flat should be added in the area as well. Maybe a scrambler, themed to Hydra's.
Just kidding. That would be pretty cool though.
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If you were in charge (Part 3: Frontier Adventures)