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Author Topic: April 29th, 2006 - NO MORE CHEERLEADERS!  (Read 3081 times)

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April 29th, 2006 - NO MORE CHEERLEADERS!
« on: April 29, 2006, 09:17:04 PM »
So plans to get there at 10 were squashed when my buddy Mike called me at 9:30 and said he was getting in the shower. He arrived at my place by 10:30 and we were off! After a quick stop at WaWa, we were in the park by 11.

First stop? Of course, the King. On our way over, I saw a familiar tattooed leg heading into the bathroom. I yell "Hey Skiz!" He turns. Yup, my buddy Skiz, and his friend Kevin had just gotten off Kingda Ka. We agreed to meet at Nitro at 1 and Mike and I headed to Kingda Ka around 11:15

We were a little worried because the line was about halfway between the Entrance and the Ticket guy, but it moved quick. Ka was running like the beast she is today! And even with three trains, she was eating people. Running very smoothly. While In line, I saw GACoaster scouting out the park and also saw the xtremecoasters guys as well. Also, from the line, there was a great view of the work being done inside RT's infield. A BUNCH of bents have been erected. I tried taking a shot, but my crappy camera couldn't handle it.

Ka's line ended up being just over an hour. We got to the station, and headed for the 2nd row of the Gak. When we were 2 trains back, it decided to have some problems. A few rocks back and forth in the station, it was ready to go (10 minutes). 2 trains later, we were rocketing toward the sky again! Ride #2 of the season.

After KK, it was just about 12:30, so we decided to head on over towards Nitro. After stopping off to find out if Mike's friend was working the Tiger Show, we headed on over.

We got to Nitro around 12:50 and hung out for 10 minutes until Skiz and Kevin showed up. We then headed into Nitro's line. It was into 2 switchbacks at the outer area, which ended up being about an hour wait. 2nd to last row was great as usual! We had planned on doing the "Sleep" pose for the camera, but we were unprepared for the new location of the Camera at the bottom of the first drop! Well you can see how it came out for yourself:

After Nitro, we headed on over towards Superman. On the way, we hit up Freefall because Skiz had never done it. Short Wait, Great Ride.

Then we made our way over to the Boardwalk and went to Superman. The sign said 1:45 so we said ummm, No. Off to GASM. The sign there? 2 hours??!?!? WHAT? That can't be right, so we walk in the queue a bit, Yup, there's the line, just a little bit in. Oh well, forget that too!

Off to get some food. We hit up the Boardwalk shops and split some Butterfly Fries (YUM!) and a Jalapeno-Cheese Pretzel. After eating, we split up as it was about 3:15 and we wanted to go meet Mike's friend at the Tiger show.

We got to the Temple of the Tiger just as the show was letting out and saw the trainers playing with the Tigers.
After they finished, Mike's friend Eric came over and we walked around to the viewing area for the Tigers and he told us what he has been up to. Mike and Eric were friends in HS, and hadn't seen each other since. So they caught up and he told us about how he used to be a trainer for Siegfried & Roy and then at Six Flags Worlds of Adventure before moving to NJ and working on the Temple of the Tiger.

After that, we headed on over to Medusa around 4:00. Passing by the NSA, we noticed people lined up for the 5pm door opening. That means those people were there 2 hours early for the show!! Wow!

As we got to Medusa, we noticed that the line was out of the switchbacks and decided to skip it and headed back to Superman. Mike really wanted to ride, and we figured it couldn't be THAT long of a wait.

On the way, we checked out ET and PDC and caught a glimpse of Tango.

Walking into S:UF the line was only in the second switchbacks, so we figure it was only about an hour, and we were right. The DJ was pretty funny, making fun of some of the guests and dancing around. The music was good once the Party Patrol left.

Once into the station we saw a pretty funny show while waiting for the rear row of the train. The previous train came into the brake run, and lets just say, the girl in the front row, was almost "hanging out" of her shirt...

After riding S:UF, which was surprisingly GOOD, we decided to head on out. The park was getting crazy crowded and we didn't feel like waiting on any more lines.

All in all a good day, lines were a bit longer than I would like, but not nearly as bad as we thought it would be with the AAR concert and the Cheerleader Competition. Teenie Bopper Cheerleaders EVERYWHERE, but it definitely could have been worse.

See the rest of my pictures from today here: http://stew560.smugmug.com/gallery/1411833/1
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April 29th, 2006 - NO MORE CHEERLEADERS!
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2006, 11:22:38 PM »
I see they moved the fence back by E.T. They must be getting really anxious to pour the new path  and get this awesome project finished.  Thanks for the Photo's, as I doubt I make it to the park this weekend. :cry:

*Just thinking,   maybe they moved the fence to bring in Tango that way? IS that possible?  Or would they crane it in over RT .... Hmmm?

Offline coastermom

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April 29th, 2006 - NO MORE CHEERLEADERS!
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2006, 09:12:49 AM »
Yes I too was there and we were pretty surprised when we got into the park . arrived a little after 11 and went right to the entrance paid the extra 5 for the PP and went into the park . Went to GR only 2 windows open but hardly no line got a Parent pass and now a hand stamp with it (if you give out a stamp use ink that stays) now on to the  rides didn't really come for the rides as the kids came to see the AAR but went to KK around 11:50 the guy is telling people 3 hours after seeing it running and seeing the line we kind of knew better so off to the line went DD's and DH . my DS came so me and her went to GK and BBNP with my son. Good time in both parts of the park for him almost walked on to all the rides in both sections. the tigers were out and boy were they playful today in the pool and jumping around the kids loved it. about 1and 1/2 hours later off to kk i went with my sister for the swap worked well today no problems .  off to other rides Looping Starship was pretty short so they went on that then we ate and off to the LF which had a short line but the kids came off a little wet. Then they noticed people on line already for the show . Off to the line we go well there was no body there for crowd control and instead of opening the doors at 5 they opened at 4:30 . the kids were happy my son played in the corner with other little ones and my DD's got a guitar pick from the show. So all turned out well. The NSA was packed to the gills i have never see it that full for a show. kids must have waited all day at the doors because it was a mess with food trays and food all over the floor . It was gross over there. After the show went over to BBLTT and let my son ride 3 times walked to nitro to see the line and just left it was almost 8 and the line was pretty long. Leaving the park i thought we would sit for hours surprisingly it wasn't that bad there must have been plenty of people still in the park .  Not a great day but not too bad considering the cheerleaders and AAR show just nice to walk around . Also caught a view of the new tango ride by ET it looks amazing back there hopefully it will be done soon !!

Offline PcMan

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April 29th, 2006 - NO MORE CHEERLEADERS!
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2006, 10:14:58 AM »
Great Pics
Smugmug is the best I have about 3000 pics on my site

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April 29th, 2006 - NO MORE CHEERLEADERS!
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2006, 04:30:27 PM »
I was there yesterday too, KK was not running well at all. Got there around 4 and my friend had to get his SP processed so me and my friend went to check on KK and it was broken down. Go to Nitro, broken down, they were playing with the restraints. We then sat at Nitro Grille and watched them try to fix Nitro (Which had a line mid way into the switchbacks).

No luck, so went to B:TR, line right into the Ghetto part, through the whole line about an 1 1/2 wait, intense in the back like always, then we went to the AAR concert. We saw Medusa wasn't running(Probably cause of the concert) but mid-concert it re-opened (I love the view of Medusa from North-Star).

We then decide no lines are friendly so we go to KK just to get one more ride. The line was in between the Ticket guy(They didn't even check the ticket) and the Entrance. Seemed to break down a couple times and they were over-over-over packing the station so we would stand in the same place for 20 minutes at a time then walk like 4 switchbacks. It was a good ride, night time.

Don't even get me started on the employees.

Offline ChuckR

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April 29th, 2006 - NO MORE CHEERLEADERS!
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2006, 08:29:06 PM »
I was there as well for the AAR concert and I got a ride on Skull Mountain and left. I will be there again on Friday.

Offline OrlandoRocks

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April 29th, 2006 - NO MORE CHEERLEADERS!
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2006, 10:33:24 PM »
Went to the park today and Kingda Ka was down all day from open till 3 when I left. Both sides of the Chiller weren't  open today either. The lines were not too bad today the longest wait was for Superman and Nitro they were each one hour in length. El Toro looks amazing and tango looks ready to be open by next week if they put pavement down. My camera is still broken from opening weekend so no photos yet.