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Author Topic: 4/21 TR nice day at the park  (Read 3753 times)

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Offline coastermom

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4/21 TR nice day at the park
« on: April 22, 2006, 11:39:59 AM »
I must say it was a pretty good day in all. Got to the park at about 10:30  and went right through the parking area to a pretty good spot. Up to the SP entrance and on to GR there were 2 windows open but only about a 15 min wait . Got the parent pass and went to KK. This thing must have been on fire yesterday it was running amazingly . With only one side up and running the line was about 45 min to an hour hubby and one DD went on while me and my DS and other DD went to GK. Here is the only issue we had all day the ride opts at KK that are only there to check the restraints well they are suppose to know about the parent pass and well hubby had to wait to get someone who understood him  they really don't speak english that well . this can be a problem if god forbid there really is an emergency and no one can understand you . Other then that we did get to ride me and my DD . It was amazing the ride ran all day as far as i could tell. Everytime we looked over the ride was running. so off to GASM walk on , Looping star ship Walk up , superman small wait 30 min . BBNP all rides walk on and log flume walk on too . Medusa was 15 min off to the other side BBLTT no wait as was SM 2 rides didn't even have to get off. Nitro about half hour and chiller about the same robin up and running as batman is still down but the train is still in the station.  BTR was 5 min all rides in the seaport were walk on too. Before leaving we had to return to Kk to see the line,  it was extremely small only in one Que so they waited again and we had no problem with the parent pass this time . What a day it was a little chilly but the park really ran well. That was two good visits in a row for us.

A few things i did notice, work is going on all day at ET it looks amazing and  I can't wait for it to open. All the  employees were still as nice as can be. I talked to one guy over by KK and he says late June for ET but who really knows  :roll: . I hope he is wrong . Still characters everywhere you go and all talking to guest taking photos really enjoyable. We still have no train in GK,  that thing is still just sitting there . There were a few guys looking at it yesterday but who knows if it will ever run again. All in all not too bad of a day and we left happy again  :D

Offline Pashacar

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4/21 TR nice day at the park
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2006, 12:24:11 PM »
Where the hell is this new training everyone's talking about? Employee training is the biggest thing that sets Cedar Point apart from everyone else (and that training includes their international employees) and I'm really disappointed to hear that the hyped-up training for this year has been just as *MY KEYBOARD SMELLS BAD!*ty as in the past.

I went to SFMW two years back, on opening day, just when Burke and Co. were starting the "It's playtime!" initiative and trying to bring a better attitude to the parks. After waiting in an hour long line for Kong because of one train operation and terriblly slow dispatch cycles, an enthusiastic attendant on the ride asked me: "So are you enjoying your day at Six Flags?" As much as I liked the attitude, good operations--which includes knowing all park policies--shoulld come first. I hope that Shapiro realizes that, because a similar problem seems to be happening here.

Offline Nitro1118

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4/21 TR nice day at the park
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2006, 12:51:26 PM »
Quote from: "Pashacar"
Where the hell is this new training everyone's talking about? Employee training is the biggest thing that sets Cedar Point apart from everyone else (and that training includes their international employees) and I'm really disappointed to hear that the hyped-up training for this year has been just as *MY KEYBOARD SMELLS BAD!*ty as in the past.

I went to SFMW two years back, on opening day, just when Burke and Co. were starting the "It's playtime!" initiative and trying to bring a better attitude to the parks. After waiting in an hour long line for Kong because of one train operation and terriblly slow dispatch cycles, an enthusiastic attendant on the ride asked me: "So are you enjoying your day at Six Flags?" As much as I liked the attitude, good operations--which includes knowing all park policies--shoulld come first. I hope that Shapiro realizes that, because a similar problem seems to be happening here.

The employees this year have been extremely efficient and personable. There is an influx of Asian employees, so they can't speak English very well, but they were really cheery and did their jobs well.

Offline Pashacar

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4/21 TR nice day at the park
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2006, 07:24:52 PM »
Well in my opinion, for a $60.00 ticket all employees should speak fluent English, even if that means raising their pay rate a little. Like I said, attitude is great but it's knowing your job, knowing the park policies, and feeling powered to enforce them that are most important.

Offline PcMan

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4/21 TR nice day at the park
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2006, 01:16:37 AM »
all seemed very friendly when I was at the park.
They need people to work  to fill the positions

Offline Nitro1118

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4/21 TR nice day at the park
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2006, 01:33:26 AM »
Quote from: "Pashacar"
Well in my opinion, for a $60.00 ticket all employees should speak fluent English, even if that means raising their pay rate a little. Like I said, attitude is great but it's knowing your job, knowing the park policies, and feeling powered to enforce them that are most important.

I would take people who can't speak fluently over no op's, which means rides closed. SF's biggest problem has always been the parks being understaffed. That has changed, at least this year.

Offline coastermom

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4/21 TR nice day at the park
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2006, 10:23:49 AM »
I had no problem with them not being friendly . I do however feel that if there really is a major problem and things need to be handled in a hurry some may not be able to understand the situation if they can't understand the language . My problem is small compared to things that might happen It is only a pass not for instance a medical problem or a safety issue.

The mainly Thai staff has been very good at keeping rides open and the park running in a pretty good manner but the summer season is far more crowded and that is when this may become an issue for the park. Hopefully not but we will see.

Offline WadeJ

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4/21 TR nice day at the park
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2006, 01:40:53 PM »
Quote from: "Pashacar"
Well in my opinion, for a $60.00 ticket all employees should speak fluent English, even if that means raising their pay rate a little. Like I said, attitude is great but it's knowing your job, knowing the park policies, and feeling powered to enforce them that are most important.

Like I've never had a op at a Disney or Universal park that didn't speak fluent English ?

Give it a rest... they are already 10,000 times better in just the 3 weeks they have been working there.  The park is on top of it and knows where any problems might exist.

I had a fairly decent day there as well :)  Ka with 10 minute waits = no complaints from me lol.  Oh, and it was running perfectly.