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An Opening Weekend Review/Update Poem

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Top Thrill Dragster and Kingda Ka matched downtime last season, nearly day-for-day.

On opening night, they WERE running three trains.  And about every third launch, the ride went down.

Now they are running two, according to the poem.

Think about it.  When every third time, the ride went they are running two?  Seems to me there was a problem with a train, take the train off the ride and get the problem fixed...which is what the park is doing.  Or not.  WE don't know.

People who complain about parks not running all trains often do so with NO knowledge whatsoever about why it is being done.  Do NOT assume.

My favorite is people who complain that shuttle coasters like Two Face or Face/Off aren't running more than one train.


--- Quote from: "pcman" ---Why are they only running 2 trains  ?
it's not like they had a major problem like last year.
and end of MAY  WHAT !!!
I don't get it they had 6 months downtime ?????

--- End quote ---

And in that six months, there was a complete corporate and a major park management change.   When people face uncertainty, their productivity tends to drop off.  

People have to give the new management team a break.   It takes more than 3 months to fix years of neglect in 30 parks.

wow, I guess the fix I did with the polls is working.  I never tested it afterwards lol.

I'm a firm believer that they will improve week after week.  I really don't see them taking a step back for the rest of the season.

I like rhyming toaster with coaster lol.
Anyway, hopefully we will see Log Flume open this weekend along with other improvements.  I think things will keep getting better.


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