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An Opening Weekend Review/Update Poem

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This Saturday it won't be a PAIN.
Because there will be no lines due to the RAIN.

I'm a poet
and I didn't even know it


--- Quote from: "pcman" ---This Saturday it won't be a PAIN.
Because there will be no lines due to the RAIN.

I'm a poet
and I didn't even know it
--- End quote ---

lol haha! nice!

One thing that would really be nice is if they actually told you what was wrong during a "Technical Difficulty" period.  If they at least told you it was a sensor issue in the train, someone was sitting on the handrail (and Ka doesn't like that), the catch car was not restting correctly, problems with the transfer track or something of that general message it might just make the wait a little more bearable.  It would also help you guage if you wanted to continue waiting in line.  The "Kingda Ka is experiencing minor technical difficulties" annoucement just doesn't cut it after a while.  More information is good...

I still love Ka, maybe even a little addicted to it!  
I was also very impressed that GA did seem to at least try to have all the major rides running for Opening Day...That had to take a lot of work.

The Problem is this:

--- Quote ---I have to stick up for the Kingda Ka crew,
because they are doing their best again and again.
Trust me, if they were allowed to tell you what the problems were,
they would tell you the best that they can.
--- End quote ---

The employees are not allowed to tell you what the problems are. So don't take your anger out on them, take it to Guest Services.

I'm kinda surprised so many people voted for "Why is this guy writing poems all the time".  I actually enjoy reading through it because of the feedback as well as the poetic responses lol.

While rain obvoiusly isn't good for business, perhaps it will give the new employees a extra week of getting more familiar with things with smaller crowds as well as give the park more time to catch up on things.


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