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An Opening Weekend Review/Update Poem

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Lets talk for a second about the opening week.
Some thought it was weak,
some loved the new treat,
but very few of you were swept off your feet.

After attending all three days of the park's operation,
I was very curious about how all the Great Adventure fans felt in the theme park nation.
I was upset when I saw some didn't enjoy their vacation,
and how some of you were so mad you were going to give Great Adventure a castration.

So let me clarify some things for you,
so the angry fans will not be as blue.
I have some decent information yes I have a few,
and hopefully it'll put Great Adventure in a better view.


Despite what some may believe,
the park was working very hard to rid a lot of people from smoking.
So please know that security was working very hard,
to keep the rest of us non-smokers from choking.

The new entertainment in the park received raved reviews,
and to everyone it came off very well.
So look for even more surprising entertainment offers,
there is much more in the future from what I can tell.


A lot of people were fed up with frequent breakdowns,
some rides are acting like dysfunctional toasters.
But PLEASE keep in the back of your minds,
that the mechanics and electricians are working hard on your favorite coasters.

Some people do not realize how much has been put into the rides,
and how many gizmos that they have to tweek.
They have been working hard on these rides,
and they've been working hard week after week.

The park does apologize for the down time for Ka,
just give it not worry.
The mechanics realize what the problems are,
so give it time and you will not be sorry.

I have to stick up for the Kingda Ka crew,
because they are doing their best again and again.
Trust me, if they were allowed to tell you what the problems were,
they would tell you the best that they can.

It's hard even on the crew,
when the ride is not up and running.
But some of you have to cut the Ka crew a break,
while they attempt to keep the ride stunning.

They are only running one side of the station,
only two trains they try to send.
Look for the third and fourth train by the month of May,
and Ka will be back at it again.


Overall, what I am saying,
there is only so much they can take.
So please give the park a chance,
and cut them a little break.

"Till next time, my friends."



On Friday night, I rode from the side of the station closest the parking lot.

And worry rhyming with sorry?

Sorry, no.

All I can really say is that this is another interesting poem from you.  I just couldn't resist voting "why is this guy writing poems all of the time!" :lol:

I was in the parking lot side Friday night and then the other side on Saturday night. Isn't the third train on the transfer track and we are waiting for the fourth train to come back?

Why are they only running 2 trains  ?
it's not like they had a major problem like last year.
and end of MAY  WHAT !!!
I don't get it they had 6 months downtime ?????
Can't they fiqure out the reason for so much downtime by now.
I hear all kinds of reasons  but those reason should be corrected. (cooling etc.)

25 million

Last year the last time I rode it  I waited for the front seat I was next inline when the ride stopped for 30 minutes this is  after the park opened at 10am  they didn't start testing the ride until 11am  WHY ?
Is Top Thrill still haveing all these same problems or did they work them out  ?

WHY ?  these is the question that needs to be asked of the new GM.
this drives me crazy more then anything else in the park.And I'm sure the GP after waiting in line when it's not cycling will leave them with a NOT SO GREAT ADVENTURE

I guess it's better to ride KK later in the day  forget the running of the bulls.
And EL Toro will take from KK waiting  time
Don't get me wrong I love KK as shown by my avatar(me in blue) lets hope they get it ironed out this year



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