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Author Topic: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex  (Read 11891 times)

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Offline Ogolo

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Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« on: August 09, 2013, 03:59:30 PM »

Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex

Some quotes from the article!

Jackson Township has high hopes for future development along the Interstate 195 corridor that runs through the entire northern section of the 100 square mile town. Plans were recently unveiled by the New Jersey Department of Consumer Affairs that could see a hotel, retail complex and other projected additions, anchored by the Six Flags Great Adventure Amusement Park.

A plan to develop the open space around the amusement park outlines a $65,000,000 project which contains a 600 room resort hotel, a conference center and 30,000 square foot “Entertainment Village”.

The plan also suggests the creation of transportation between the major sites in the plan. While the plan mentions a monorail or cable car system, it also defers, “The bus shuttle or tram would be the most cost effective method.”

Skyway Gondola In one of the design diagrams, architects envision a skyway gondola connecting Six Flags Great Adventure, the Wild Safari station, Hurricane Harbor and the hotel complex. Jackson Tower A 300 foot tower, to house the gondola will also serve as a playground, dining facility, meeting area and nightclub, according to the plan.

So much for the hotel right by Ka....this looks like a hike to the park unless the add another entrance in the back.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2013, 04:32:06 PM by jglonek »

Offline WadeJ

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2013, 04:12:49 PM »
Thanks for the link Ken.  Apparently, Jackson Twp has yet to realize they closed the seperate gate for the safari.  Still looks cool though. Yes, it's too far away and we'll end up with shuttle busses instead of a cool system like a gondola or monorail but one can hope and dream right?

This is great news though.  It's been needed for the better part of two decades now and will give the property the shot in the arm it needs to finally become world class.  I'm anxious to learn more about how they plan to fund it.  Are they selling parcels of land?  Leasing it?  etc.  If one were to go by the pictures, it looks to be sitting in the old entrance area of the safari and behind the water park parking lot so it's at least still somewhat between the two parks.  Some form of transportation should be installed that goes between all three continously as that would not only be a huge perk to staying onsite but also be much cheaper than relocating the waterpark.

Offline Steve

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2013, 06:55:58 PM »
If this actually happens then the park needs to be open year round. It shouldn't be that hard to open up half the park for Christmas decorations, some holiday shows and open up some flats.

Hershey is a perfect example.

Offline WadeJ

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2013, 07:22:07 PM »
If this actually happens then the park needs to be open year round. It shouldn't be that hard to open up half the park for Christmas decorations, some holiday shows and open up some flats.

Hershey is a perfect example.
Agreed.  Plus, by including a convention center, it shouldn't be hard to keep things going.  I would hope and think an indoor water park is under consideration for the hotel as well.

Steve, do you happen to know how much of the original Safari entrance is no longer in use?  Looking at the map, I have to think quite a bit of this land is no longer traveled by the trucks.

Offline jglonek

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2013, 07:46:24 PM »
Okay, the more I look at this the more confused I am. Where exactly is this proposed to be going? Between HH and GA? That's where the art shows, but that's the main park entrance unless it's moved. And doesn't have lakes, or trees

Offline Steve

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2013, 08:13:52 PM »
If this actually happens then the park needs to be open year round. It shouldn't be that hard to open up half the park for Christmas decorations, some holiday shows and open up some flats.

Hershey is a perfect example.
Agreed.  Plus, by including a convention center, it shouldn't be hard to keep things going.  I would hope and think an indoor water park is under consideration for the hotel as well.

Steve, do you happen to know how much of the original Safari entrance is no longer in use?  Looking at the map, I have to think quite a bit of this land is no longer traveled by the trucks.

As far as I know that entire picture that you posted of the Safari is not in use.

Offline WadeJ

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2013, 08:29:37 PM »
That's kinda what I thought. So the environmental issue isn't as much of a concerns it could have been if they use that land.

Offline Ogolo

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2013, 08:37:03 AM »
I thought it was right next to the water park along the entrance and exit roads, where the LUKOIL station is.

Can't figure out how to imbed it so here is a Google Maps Link

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2013, 09:35:04 AM »
That's where the images released seem to place it yeah. But what's up with all the trees to the south of if? That's parking lot.

Offline Edwardo

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2013, 05:52:22 PM »
Probably just filler. Artistic renderings often do that.

Offline B-mac

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2013, 10:14:02 PM »
Easy, spacious spot to work with. They likely have a few more areas they're considering using, some on Great Adventure's property.

Offline rjholla2003

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2013, 01:36:13 AM »
The image that they use where the proposed complex is superimposed over what appears to be Google Maps shows it in the undeveloped land bordered by the exit road opposite of Lukoil, 537, and the parking lot. I think that's a terrible spot to be honest. Having it along 195 with its own exit would work better.
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Offline Steve

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2013, 06:53:50 PM »
Either that or completely re do that part of 537 and exit 16. It's a disaster when the park closes and it's busy.

Offline WadeJ

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2013, 09:00:33 AM »
Either that or completely re do that part of 537 and exit 16. It's a disaster when the park closes and it's busy.
I was assuming they'd have to for the project to even get off the ground for exactly this reason.  It's bad enough now so it's only going to get worse by adding this much infrastructure. 

It still seems like a no-brainer to have the resort within a safari view to allow for higher priced rooms with a view, perhaps private safari tours from the hotel, etc. 

Offline PcMan

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Re: Jackson Township Unveils Vision of New Hotel & Retail Complex
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2013, 11:59:01 AM »
posted on screamscape today 11-27-13 about hotel with video

Onsite Resort Hotel - Planning - (11/27/13) Adding a resort hotel to the Six Flags Great Adventure property has long been a dream for many over the years. As we’ve seen the torch of ownership and control of the company pass from one hand to another over the past couple couple of decades, the idea of adding an on-site resort has been revived, killed, and revamped more times than I can count. This latest video news report from “Today in America” about Jackson, NJ talks briefly with Six Flags Great Adventure’s President, John Fitzgerald about their latest attempt to revive the concept in order to allow the Six Flags property to become a multi-day vacation destination. Looks like the plan is back on again, and since the Jackson area is essentially devoid of other hotels, it sounds like an idea that should not only work, but should be a success if built at the right scale.
