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2014 Announcement August 29th - Rumor Time!

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I seriously doubt they will remove rolling thunder.

Yes Matt if they could reprofile the coaster and make it a whole New experience

strange decisions this park makes....

Found out the wonderland announcement is Aug 30th. I'm guessing other CF parks will occur around the same time. Word is we are getting same dark ride as CP will be getting. But who knows.

Some Monday rumors from Screamscape to keep everyone occupied:

--- Quote ---Keep in mind this is rumored only, but again I’m hearing that Rolling Thunder could be removed at the end of the season, and a drop tower ride somehow attached to the Kingda Ka tower. Other rumors for 2014 suggest that Ballin’s Jungle may return with a new kiddie coaster and that the Temple of the Tiger venue may get a makeover and Baboons from the Safari may move in.
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So basically the "Remove RT for a drop tower queue" idea again? And, what's in Temple of the Tiger this year anyway? I know it was the small animals the past few, did they move to Camp Adventura now? And who wants Baboons inside the park that just sounds like an awful idea.

--- Quote ---If the rumors are true SFGAdv’s next coaster may be in the works for 2015, and will be located on the former spot of The Chiller. The rumors suggest it may be a B&M coaster project… and if not a Wing coaster, possibly B&M’s first 4th Dimension style ride if they are ready to go ahead with the concept. The theme isn’t known, the area around the ride could become home to a new flat ride or two as well to try and build up this closed off area of the park once again. This is a very long term rumor and a lot can change between now and 2015, so this may only be a placeholder.
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Well, there were also rumors of re-opening Old Country so this would fit in right with that.

I don't see a wing rider arriving in Old Country unless they demolish Chillers station, the batman stunt arena and leverage part of the backstage area.  That's a ride with a big foot print.  I've been hearing the RT rumor for over a year now so that has me somewhat concerned.


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