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2014 Announcement August 29th - Rumor Time!

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and it'd actually fit a theme and give the back end of Bizarro's queue more traffic.


--- Quote from: Ogolo on July 17, 2013, 05:09:04 PM ---How would the state allow a drop tower on Ka?  They didn't allow the old queue under the launch track.  I don't see this happening unless this is the last year for Ka.  (I don't know if I would miss it.)

--- End quote ---

There are other ways they can get us to Ka's tower without walking through it's infield ;).  I'm not aware of Ka being shutdown anytime soon.  This will be one hell of a walk though!

I never noticed Kingda Ka actually has be lit up, or maybe I've just never been there at night in quite some time.

The flat front of Kingda Ka could actually hold a decent sized drop ride.  A cable snap could still be an issue it was put on that side of the tower.  I've never been on the Kingda Ka tour so I don't know how close the cable is to the tower.

I would like to see a new set of flats and to have them in the Old Country area would be great . I would like to see the monkeys / baboons some how brought to the SORA I cant see how they are not there now anyway since they were put in cages .
As for a drop tower I could do with or with out it . Attached to Ka with the issues ka has sometimes I can not picture another ride attached to it . Maybe in the area that was the GK where the kids rides were but not attached to Ka .
I guess we will have to wait to Aug 29th to see !

Robert T Ackerman:
So I haven't been here in a minute... I'll chime in here. I will leave it to the park to make the announcement, but coaster, it is not for 2014.


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