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2014 Announcement August 29th - Rumor Time!

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Under totally different management ;-).

If it 2014 is a drop tower I hope capacity > 16 people.
Go for the record of the most people per drop cycle.

If we get a drop tower I hope it is like Falcon's Fury in Tampa. That thing looks awesome.

FROM screamscape:
- Rumor - (7/19/13) "Six Flags put out an interesting survey for SFGAdv guests asking them to vote for the best sounding name for an “Africa themed, intense thrill ride”. They were to choose from “Kimanjo, Zumanjaro, Kimondo, Kushuku, or Shango”.
    This alone seems to lock in the location that the park’s next major ride will go in somewhere on the new Safari end of the park, no matter if this is the rumored freefall ride or something else entirely. As for the names… while Six Flags failed to explain what any of them meant in the survey, running the names through Google and Google Translate has yielded some interesting and even amusing results.
    Kimanjo is the name of a location in Kenya.
    Zumanjaro comes up with no results at all and appears to be simply made up, as if they tried to put “Zu” in font of Kilamanjaro. Sorry… as the old Disney ads used to put it, Nahtazu!
    Kimondo is another province within Kenya, but also translated from Swahili as the word for a Meteor or Shooting Star in the sky.
    Kushuku translates from Swahili as “Skepticism”
    And finally, Shango translates from Swahili as “Chlamydia”.  Ummm… yeah… they went there. Sorry… while Six Flags may end up starting a new Meme with that one, I don’t think we’ll be riding Chlamydia: The Ride anytime soon.
My vote is for Kimondo… as a shooting star is a perfect theme for a massive freefall tower I think. "

Drop tower in the old baboon area?
That would be a much better view than seeing the parking lot.


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