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Opening of the Toro

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I would rather ride Talon more than Steel Force IMO.

I also really think you need ERT at Dorney but maybe it is just like Solace. It is a cool time to hang out with people you normally don't see.

Bubba Z:
The ERT would save you 12 bucks from regular admission in June. I am thinking about going because I don't see myself getting a Cedar Fair pass this season or going to Dorney more than once. Let alone going to Cedar Point. I'll take the money I saved and use it for a Clementon Lake Park pass.

OK,  maybe we should start a new Dorney thread as Spawn is keeping this park in his Itinerary

Last year I went I mostly Did Steel force and Thunderhawk ( that brake sucks) during the early am ERT . THat new ride near Steel Force is cool where the floor drops out and they give you a half off the Screaming swing.

I liked it becuase it's cheap and all you can eat food (mmmm food) even Ice cream
this is also a good reason to go during the season.
 I didn't stay for the late night ERT  I left around 5-6pm  that day
Hydra is OK  not anything special. I still mis Hercules
I actually like Medusa better

I was doing some work behind Clementon lake today and that 180 turn into the helix is awesome. I would have got a season pass but they wanted over $100  and I missed the sale near Christmas. I will just have to do the evening $9.95 coupon

Now I just got to get up to and ride Balder Dash  never been there but looks good


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