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Opening of the Toro

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I write to them from Spain, first of everything, request pardon to them by my spelling, since I use a translator online

I would like to know his opinion on the date of opening of the Toro. Next the 24 of May we will travel until EE: UU to do tour Coastero, between the Parks to visit we have SFGAd days 25 and 26 of May ? thinks that the opening of the Toro is possible now?

Thanks and pardon the annoyances


Welcome to GadvUpdates :)  Your english is no problem at all ;)

El Toro is currently expected to open on Memorial Weekend which would be May 26th - May 28th.

This is still speculation though because the ride is not finished as of right now.

We should know for sure once the media day is scheduled.

Hey spawn and welcome to Updates!

They are trying for a opening on Memorial Day weekend so it's really cutting it close. I hope the best of luck for you.

May I ask what parks your going to?

Thanks for the welcome..:wink:

after reading your commentaries, it fills of illusion to think to me that we have some possibility of finding the bull in operation, serious something very great for us... :D

--- Quote ---May I ask what parks your going to?
--- End quote ---

Six Flags Great Adventure? 2 days
Dorney Park? 1 day
Hershey Park? 1 day
Paramounts Kings Dominion? 1 day
Bush Gardens Williamsburg? 1 day
Kennywood Park? 1dia
Geauga Lake? 1 day
Cedar Point? 2 days

And we will finish our trip in New York, where we will finish the Extream Coaster Tour in Cyclone (Astroland).. :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

If they want to know some thing but, they do not duen in asking.. :wink:


Well if you guys speak English and need a tour guide for GADV. Let me know...


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