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April 1 Construction Tour Photos - More added on page 2!

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Good stuff guys! I am bummed I had to miss it but, I can't wait to talk to one of you tomorrow. :D

The tour was incredible!  A special thanks goes out to Ron, Al, Kristin, and Angel for making time for us to drop on by!  It was great to be right up next to the drop and see the sheer magnitude of El Toro.  The coaster itself is comming along great, but I heard from the Dippin Dots guy that there are a lot of nice suprises comming our way, and all the kinks are getting worked out ;)

The tour was great and there is a lot more to come from the park, and hopefully a big boom every few hours over in the west :)

The management is doing everything that they can to address all of the problems of the guests, and this year expect to see a MAJOR turnaround.

The thing that I really appreciated is that after the tour, I was one of the first to leave because I had to run to work, and I turned back around for a second and I saw Ron and Al (GM and Construction Manager) stopping and just admireing a show.  It's great that they get out of the office and walk around the park so they know what is going wrong on a first hand basis.  The park is getting!


--- Quote from: "DianaR" ---Good stuff guys! I am bummed I had to miss it but, I can't wait to talk to one of you tomorrow. :D
--- End quote ---

I'm sorry you missed it Diana.  Al and Ron did a great job on this tour, and I'm very glad i got the chance to see what i saw today.  I think I might  put an article out on ECC in the next few days.. just as soon as I get time.

thanks again!

I've been busy/tired today and didn't finish my update.  CoasterSims should have it online tomorrow.

Is it me    
or is    El Toro Starting to look a little like  Shivering Timbers with its "humps"


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