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April 1 Construction Tour Photos - More added on page 2!

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Wade will do a full official update soon, but I figured I would post some of what I have now, as the tour was awesome, with fantastic lighting, and plenty to look at.

The footers for the turnaround

This is the high portion of the turnaround.  Look at how steep the banking on the turn is going to be.

Hard at work on the bents, two teams are each working nine hours a day to get the job done.  They assemble the bents on the ground first, and then hoist then into place.

This is standing under the third hill.  The pathway to the bridge will be opened back up and will be right here.

Just a nice shot of the lift, first drop, and second hill.

A shot I will never again have the chance of getting, looking up at the first drop.  That drop looks even steeper in person.

Again, another shot I will not get a chance at again, this time El Toro's infield.

The maze of footers for El Toro's in field romp next to Rolling Thunder.

Well, that is all I have right now.  I will post a full report in the near furture.  For now, you can see all of the photos here:

Thanks Nate... because I'm really freaking tired and won't get around to posting mine until tomorrow lol.

Friday, 5:30-11:15... got home at 12:30am (glad we didn't bring the kids)

Saturday, 2:30-8:15... got home around 10PM.  I think today was the longest we have had the kids in the park ever.  It was a great day!

Here is my pictures from the tour...

Construction Tour Pictures

My favorites:

The sheer size of the lift is incredible!

Right under the top of the lift!!

The drop! (But can anyone see the hidden thing in this picture!)

Notes from the tour:
-Bridge will be used this year!! Guests will walk under El Toro towards the bridge making easier access for everyone!

-El Toro will load from one side and unload from the other side.

-There is soooo many headchoppers in this ride, you just gotta see this thing up close!

-They are shooting for a memorial weekend opening!

KK train


--- Quote from: "pcman" ---How do you guys get a tour  ?
--- End quote ---

Great Adventure usually handles these things on a "who you know" basis.  Today was a spur of the moment special tour though.  It was really put together, well, yesterday.


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